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We are students of a Modern Novels class in Southridge High School. And we will be commenting about the book, THE HUNGER GAMES. THE HUNGER GAMES is the 1st book to the trilogy by Suzanne Collins.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Meeting #1 Literary Luminary Chapter 1-5

"I've been right not to cry. The station is swarming with reporters with their insectlike cameras trained directly on my face. But I've had a lot of practice at wiping my face clean of emotions and I do this now." (Collins 40)
~Significance to overall plot/theme, emotional/intellectual impact
This passage expresses the importance of the games, it gives suspense and pressure to Katniss because she knows everybody will have their eyes on her competitors and especially her. She knows that she will have to keep a strong front to leave a good 1st impression for her district and proportional sponsors.
~Interested in figurative language?
The passage mentions the reporters that they are swarming like insects which is a simile. The author describes the reporters like pests who go for their main "meal" or in a literal sense their story for the news. Katniss's voluntary action to enter the Hunger Games is the main story or meal for the news.
~Shift in character's fate?
This scene is where Katniss leaves her home district. She feels scared inside that she won't be able to see her family and friends anymore. This is the beginning of Katniss's journey into the Capitol with a significant amount of pressure and freight.
I thought Katniss would show some grief and sadness, but I didn't expect her to look bored, it's probably because she's still getting adjusted to the fact she's  in the Hunger Games now, she either lives or die.
"When my stomach feels like it's about to split open, I lean back and take in my breakfast companions. Peeta is still eating, breaking off bits of roll and dipping them in hot chocolate." (Collins 56)
~Significance to overall plot/theme emotional/intellectual impact
Katniss and Peeta are devouring a lot of food in this passage. I thought the Capitol was teasing or mocking the players in the future. Because the book is called, "The Hunger Games", there will be starvation involved in the games. So when the time comes when the players are starving, they will feel tortured that they ate such good food in the train. The feast represents the player's indulgence and the games is like their punishment for indulging such delicacies.
~How does Collins use figurative language?
Katniss describes that she is incredibly full to the extent that her stomach is going to "split open", this is a simile that Collins uses.
~Shift in character's fate?
This scene shows that Katniss and Peeta are buffing up to become stronger for the games by eating a lot of luxurious food.
~Shocking/ interesting?
When I first read this, I never expected that the competitors would be given delicacies before a life/death game.
What do you guys think about these passages? Why?


  1. I'm really interested in the wording, the "insectlike" camera. Because it's like the capital is a fly squirming its way into their private life. Great choosing of passages, the second one kind of suprised me as well. It reminded me of Hansel and Gretel, fattening them up before sending them to the oven.

  2. Poor Katniss, emotionless little child.. She's simply adapted to her environment in order to survive. I wonder what she'd be like if her father hadn't died..

    They're stuffing themselves so they will gain weight to lose during the games.. Kinda like storing food for hibernation.
